Come Here to Me!
Dublin’s Other history
(New Ireland Press)
Ive been a very interested observer to a few Dublin blogs over the past couple of years and high on the list has been There is always something interesting to view and stories to read. Bringing out a book with a collection of these tales is a perfect fit. I always prefer to have a book in my hand rather than a webpage so this has become vital for people like me. There is a sense at times when reading Irish history that this was a time for other people, when reading these short collections you can picture yourself on dublins cobbled streets. Very often Dublin is seen as a capital cosmopolitan city but come here to me shows dublins character.
As someone born and raised on Dublins northside with parents and grandparents close to the northside streets along with my wife and her parents all born within a stones throw this is something that assists with my pride. i am proud to be from dublin, it has many faults but this is my city. Come here to me and i tell ya is often heard on the streets and for anyone with some interest in our city this is a great read
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Reblogged this on Annette J Dunlea Irish Author and commented:
nice book review