Rebellion 2022 back after the enforced world hiatus and back with a bang
Rebellion 2018 – Day 4
Rebellion 2018 - Day 4 After some of yesterday’s highlights like ruts dc, blyth power, lovely eggs and menstrual cramps - never mind wonk unit, murderburgers and pizzatramp it could be hard to get motivated for another day of it. However this is what we are here for and Dealing With Damage on the introducing … Continue reading Rebellion 2018 – Day 4
Rebellion 2018 – Day 3
Rebellion 2018 - day 3 So it’s just past noon and the first band of the day are murderburgers. The room is packed, we are all ready for the Scottish pop punk sound. Short snappy songs and a great start to the third day. The Gakk from Dundalk opened up the pavillion stage. Rebellion is … Continue reading Rebellion 2018 – Day 3
Rebellion 2018 – Day 2
Rebellion 2018 - day 2 After losing the battle against the seagulls during the night (do seagulls never sleep??) and an incident in the room next door to me involving a lot of screaming I still was ready to tackle this second day refreshed. Excited to see some bands that still bring back happy memories … Continue reading Rebellion 2018 – Day 2
Rebellion 2018 – Day 1
Rebellion 2018 - Day 1 Airports intrigue me. A large airport like Dublin is a city in itself. Huge amount of daily visitors and it does seem like a city that doesn’t sleep. As I descended from my slumber at 4am in a suburb that was quiet and dark I arrived into a thriving hectic … Continue reading Rebellion 2018 – Day 1