Football Weekly
The main thrust of this blog is to promote independent and DIY music and culture. Podcasts championed to date have all been promoting music of this ilk but for this weeks one I am looking at something different. I have been watching football, specifically soccer in England, ever since Dennis Law’s back heel sent Mancheter United down for their last relegation. I smiled when Law cried and spent a short time following the trials of this team from Lancashire before moving on to Blackpool as I went there on holidays. I find it more interesting following the underdog. Maybe that’s why I went down this road with punk rock, veganism, trade unionism. I like championing the minority and as middle age approached I reflect on a life screaming for the voiceless.
Since that back heel in 1974 English football has had many changes and it’s the Vanaram league and Forest green Rovers that gets more of my attentions these days. However, as a parent of three kids, the allure of the English Premiership is never too far away. So whilist I have no affinity to clubs in the league or to most people playing in it I do like hearing the stories each week that James Richardson and co spew out in Football Weekly. Tales of rich footballers and clubs are somehow spoken as if they are human beings (which of course they are). it is an irreverant look at the superstar world and its twice weekly offerings give us some feeling that football is still a beautiful game and not just a product for entertainment.