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Remembering Dave Moloney, The Vipers and Dublin’s New Wave Scene
SUNDAY 30 March 8pm to 10.30 pm
Come along and hear tribute of one of Dublins good guys – ex Vipers, Bootown Rats and so much more. Dave passed away peacefully in April but we wanted to remember him in a special way.
Panelist’s on the nights include
Robert Moloney, “brother of Dave Moloney”, member of Dublin music scene.
Ross Fitzsimons, Trinity Ents PR 1977/78 – The Clash etc, manager – The Vipers
Ian Wilson, TCD Students Union president 1977/78, RTÉ producer -The Dave FanningShow
Phil Byrne, Revolver, tour manager – Les Enfants etc
Dave’s tribute from The Boomtown Rats Bob Geldoff as featured on Facebook
Dave Moloney was the 7th Rat. Boomtowns Pete Best. He died last week and he was a lovely man. He was also a great drummer.
Soon after the Rats started Simon thought we were pretty hopeless and weren’t going anywhere with what we were or weren’t playing. He was also fairly convinced that the level of “musicianship” wasn’t really up to much and didn’t look like improving any. So he left. He could be VERY grumpy and unforgiving in those days. Great. Thanks Si!
The problem was that out of all of us he was by a million miles the best musician and didn’t have the patience or tolerance to wait for us to catch up. So off he went. Now what?
We had a reputation by then in and around Dublin so there was a line of drummers ready to step up and step in. But none were as fast, as tight, as solid or could swing or hit the required `’groove” or find the precise right thing that was needed for the new songs we were beginning to write quite like Mr. Crowe.
There was one guy who came very close. Dave Maloney. He looked good, was quite a soft bloke but could punch those skins rock hard. He didn’t yet have anything like the stamina for the speed at which we were playing stuff in 1976 (ref; Fanzine Hero, Barefootin’ etc) and would be knackered after a rehearsal. We were pretty sure of ourselves by now and quite cocky so being around us was quite intimidating and after every run-through of a tune he’d shyly smile and look up enquiringly..and yea Dave it was alright mate. In fact it was really good.
I don’t know how many gigs Dave did with us in the end. Not many. I would say 2 or 3 maybe and then we got a record deal and Crowe suddenly decided this was if not the greatest band in the actual world (which we were and are!) then maybe we could be and demanded to be let back in insisting he had only ever wanted a short break from out frenetic schedule I.E one gig every 2 weeks and a rehearsal on Wednesday and Friday evenings ffs!!
And the thing is, lucky for us, Simon is one of the great drummers and VERY hard to beat so….Dave left still smiling and sportingly, friendly acknowledging Simons role as the meant-to-be Rats stickman.. Besides he was Gazzers great old bandmate/school chum and my Auntie Fifi would have killed me if her next-door neighbour were slung out of the band.
Dave went on to play in The Vipers one of the best post-Rats “new wave” Dublin bands and who played support to us when we would “triumphantly” return home occasionally. Here’s a pic of the band acknowledging our obvious massive superiority in a most appropriate manner and clutching the first Rats record with Dave mortified by his bandmates behaviour towards his other old band with his head down, fag in hand.
We invited him always to any Rats event or gig and remained on great terms with him and respected his fabulous drumming ability. Had Simon ever decided he wanted out again it would have been Dave Moloney we called immediately.
He lived and died in Lanzarote.
As a band and as a mate we thank him for all the stuff he did with us – it was truly excellent and we were and are forever grateful. . And to his other bands and friends and family our love, respect, sympathies and condolences. He was great. Really a great bloke. And a great musician.
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