Rebellion 2013 day 4

The problems with doing stuff on your phone means you can lose hours of material. Don’t know how but my early descriptions of the day have vanished. I had written about pros and cons of this festival!! All gone now, must be my pocket demon deleting the punk word. I had been taking notes as I went along but now half way through the day they’re gone. And when they’re gone they’re gone!

The adolescents played their tuneful hardcore to a crowd that had been treated to strictly hardcore by Goldblade previously. Goldblade played a riotous gig. You are always guaranteed a show from brother john on vocals but they were in great form today asking people to testify to the power of rock’n’roll.


The stitches preceded them. I knew nothing about the stitches before today and bar for the purpose of this blog I don’t think I will be actively seeking them again. From la, around since the mid 90’s they were kind of comic punk to me.

Channel 3 before them were so much better. Also from la and around a decade longer they have the interesting attribute of being the only American band on an punk and disorderly compilation

The art of punk is a great book by russ Bentley and Alex ogg. They spoke about the pain of putting it together today. Alex and russ told how it was a labour of low over 18 months and the result is an extremely compressive display of artwork from punk through all stages.

Bizarre bizarre is the aptly named venue for the pukes, an 18 piece ukelele band playing punk covers. You can’t but be entertained by that.

tsol are banged out a rocking hardcore sound. Its amazing, Tshirt sales are happening everywhere as Merch takes on as much importance for some as the songs on offer. After listening to what Russ and Alex said regarding design I have taken to looking around the room at all the band branding we are so used to, logos of the subhumans, black flag, cock sparer and the Ramones are everywhere.

Can’t say that there were too many t-shirts of the nightingales in the crowd although they did have some stuff on sale. Their indie sound featured a sparse crowd. Shame as their riff laden angular pop is a good respite form gimp fist who are working class and proud. Oi oi, for sure

The quirky acoustic sounds of billy liar beckoned. One man and his guitar with a difference. Then it was back to the noise.

Fucked up are from Toronto. I saw them with gallows a couple of years ago and hated their on stage persona. I didn’t want to exchange sweat with their lead singer but maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m the sort of person that likes to go to see a comedian and not get singled out. I pay in not to provide the entertainment. However in the safety of the balcony seats I saw everyone buying into the fucked up regime. Tight hardcore sound. Some great songs as the singer tries to personally greet everyone in the audience lots of hugs but no missiles thrown which was the case last time. Deadly.

I ludicrous are the chalk to fucked ups cheese. Much like the nightingales earlier they come from the indie world of clean riffs and angular rhythms, much like the nightingales there were very few to share the experience with them.

Roughneck riot had a great energy about them. They were competing against awful sound. I know they’ve a ukelele and accordion and banjo but heard none of it. Lots of guitar, bass and drums energy though

The Bronx are from California, they have a rockier sound than fucked up with singing rather than screaming. There’s a similarity in extroverted vocalists adding to the spectacle. Me? I was glad if a seat to be honest but my head was bopping along and the knowledgeable crowd were enjoying it

Again it was a tale of two sounds as lene lovich took to the bizzare bizzare stage. Bizarre it certainly is, new wave sound with keyboard and that distinctive voice I hadn’t heard in nearly 30 years. Still as strong as ever and the 300 capacity crowd lapped it up.

Tv smith is part of the rebellion decor and he only played once this time. His acoustic set was jammed and he never disappoints so why stray now. I dipped in and out of his 90 minute set

Peter hook used to be in band called joy division (ever hear of them?) he then went to new order (maybe you know them?). Tonight he played unknown pleasures. Unknown pleasures!!!! What an album, and more! some amazing bass hooks in those songs

Jello Biafra has been rallying against the establishment since the dead Kennedys were a dream. He kept it going tonight with his Guantanamo school of medicine set. Powerful. Even some dead Kennedys songs thrown in for extra special good measure. It is heartening to see such a performance and we can only hope that the man is as good as his words and really wants to work with people to make this a better place to live. For an hour tonight Blackpool was a better place to be

Sham 69 were the last band on this marathon 4 days. My first experience with sham was Hurry up Harry. I got the that’s life album as a present and could recite it word for word. It didn’t take much to slip back into this memories tonight. 3000 people screaming George Davis is innocent 35 years on.

Whilst we were screaming about Angels with dirty faces Roddy radiation of specials fame was playing on a different stage with his moon stompers and discharge were discharging their speed core to another thousand people.

What a weekend

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4 thoughts on “Rebellion 2013 – day 4

  1. great review, I thought the sound this year was awful across the board, sound equipment failing here there and everywhere and The Roughneck Riot were one among many that gave it their all fighting against a terrible sound on Olympia 2

  2. No excuse for bad equipment that kept failing and sound engineers that can’t hear what’s happening as you say The Roughneck Riot really suffered as did Strawberry Blondes later, surely there is time for a 5 minute sound/equipment check. Great festival though but they need a new sound team

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