Oct 11 1991
Sons Of Ishmael, Turtle Assasins, Arnheim
Fox + Pheasant
Sons Of Ishmael came all the way from Canada for their Irish tour. I was still ill with M.E. and had to take plenty of rest. I missed this gig due to that but met up with the band earlier in the day and showed them around Dublin. Since they played I have struck up a friendship with Chris Black from Sons of Ishmael. It is one of a number of friendships that have spawned from being involved with ‘hope’.
As an aside, and as an example of how the world is such a small place, a woman wrote to me after picking up React on a trip to Dublin. We corresponded with each other and when Miriam and I went to Canada we stayed with this woman, our new friend. It turned out that she was seeing Chris Black from Sons Of Ishmael. We talked long about punk rock in Ireland and Chris had many good memories of his European tour. After the band split he ran Raw Energy Records in Toronto for a while. I believe he hasn’t needed Survivor’s Pie in a few years.Back to the gig, Turtle Assassins came down from ferry for the night. Tony Doherty had been putting stuff on in that city and when he asked could some friends of his play in Dublin, of course we agreed.
This made me smile. But what’s Survivor’s Pie?
It’s the recipe you submitted way back