Play of the day from the Lungs

Wow, this brings me back to seeing nomeansno live. It’s not quite there but it has that feel. Driving bass lines with some enticing pauses in there for good measure. but this has more than just a riff it is darker and heavier than nomeansno.

Play of the day are flying down

Canadian punks The fly downs have dropped a new single. It’s subject matter is something we have all seen and felt. At times we can feel despondent and while we know there will be better days we still have to get through the bad ones. Listening to punk rock songs like this will help

Play of the day – Get it out of the Sewer

Following on from the debut album ‘Cute Aggression’, the Sewer Cats further explore their wide pool of influences while harnessing the chaotic sounds of the live performances the duo are known for across the DIY punk scene.

The beauty of songs

Tonight Patrick Barrett bared his soul in a way not sung about by Rites of Spring. He played his last album in full, a record written during lockdown and a period of looking after his elderly parents. A time of beauty, strange beauty at that. And I looked on and relate to much of what he sings about