Blackpool Rox II – Issue 10

Blackpool Rox II Issue 10 The original Blackpool Rox was a mix of the bizarre, wild and infectious. Each page was lieterally crammed with in formation and art, you would need to viedw the page in all directions just to take it all in.  Like a good painting you could find something new every time … Continue reading Blackpool Rox II – Issue 10

Suspect Device *56

Suspect Device *56 Wow  56 issues of a self published magazine, or fanzine to me and you. I've written a few different zines since my first, Whose Life Is It Anyway back in 1984 when Suspect device was just starting.  Here they are 30 years on and still as keen and enthusiastic as ever.  The best … Continue reading Suspect Device *56

Rebellion Festival 2015 Review Day 4

Rebellion Day 4 Another day of highlights New Model Army Probably the band that I have seen the most, as well as a band whose albums and songs I have looked to for inspiration for almost 30 years. At Rebellion a snippet of a documentary about the band as shown, followed by a Q&A with … Continue reading Rebellion Festival 2015 Review Day 4

Rebellion 2015 – day 4. The end is nigh

Rebellion 2015 - Day 4 it ain't over til it's over Maggie Byrne was in We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It and it was a nice start to the day to hear what she had to say of her time in the band and that they were talking about what was going … Continue reading Rebellion 2015 – day 4. The end is nigh

Rebellion 2015 day 3 – the wildhearted outsider

Rebellion Day 3 The Boomtown Rats were Eire's best ever popular music band...Eire's Best Pop Band. That's a bigger compliment that it might appear at first. Few areas of human endeavour are more competitive than pop music. So mane people want a hit single or to be a pop star: so few get there. Since … Continue reading Rebellion 2015 day 3 – the wildhearted outsider

TV Smith – Book Of The Year

TV SMith Book Of The Year Punk Rock TOur Diaries; Volume Five So when the Stranglers wrote about No More Heroes they didn't really want us not to have heroes it was more a statement that there are none to worship. Of course, when Glen Friedman brought out his book Fuck you Heroes it was … Continue reading TV Smith – Book Of The Year

Rebellion 2015 – Day 3

Rebellion 2015 Day 3 I said it was a marathon and whilst Wonk Unit may have just arived in Blackpool this is the start of my third day. It's a great start for me though as I get to see a band I've been hearing and reading about for a couple of years and have … Continue reading Rebellion 2015 – Day 3

Rebellion 2015 day 2 from the wildhearted outsider

Rebellion Day 2 Here's the thing...a few thousand punks gathered together in a Northeastern English Seaside town in August 2015...why would that matter? Is it all nostalgia? An attempt to recapture, relive, or even reimagine youth? The Q&A conversations provide an opportunity to hear first-hand reflections from some of the people who were there. Pioneers. … Continue reading Rebellion 2015 day 2 from the wildhearted outsider

Rebellion 2015 – day 2. Phew

Rebellion 2015 day 2 And so it continues, the streets around the Winter Gardens have been magically cleaned and the seagulls had some treats for breakfast, It all kicks off just after midday with Max Splodge the MC for a game of bingo, when in rome and all that. First bit of music for me … Continue reading Rebellion 2015 – day 2. Phew

Rebellion Day 1 – the wild hearted outsiders view

Rebellion 2015 day 1 I don't look like a punk, so perhaps I am not a real punk in the sense of living and looking the part. Yet punk has had a profound impact on the way I see the world, and even on the decisions that I make. If I am not a punk...punk … Continue reading Rebellion Day 1 – the wild hearted outsiders view