Protex were one of the great pop-punk bands from Northern Ireland during the first rush of punk/new wave. To me they were just as exciting as the Undertones, SLF, the Outcasts and the brilliant Rudi. Don't get me wrong,I loved those bands, but I loved Protex just as much. I remember my brother buying me … Continue reading Protex Interview
Russ Bestley Interview. The Art of Punk
Russ Bestley has established a reputation as one of the great historians of popular music. His specific area is punk, post-punk and DIY music. The 2015 book, The Art of Punk which he co-authored with Alex Ogg is one of the best books ever written about popular music. It includes many of the most original … Continue reading Russ Bestley Interview. The Art of Punk
The Winter Passing – interview
I've been listening to The Winter Passing for a couple of years now, ever since they played We Shall Overcome night in 2015. Their hardcore pop tunes have hooks, tunes and resilience. Imagine if your friends were in a band and when you went to see them it was a gathering of your tribe. That's … Continue reading The Winter Passing – interview
Spoilers – interview
I saw spoilers play a couple of years ago and their punk pop blast caught my attention straight away. Their stay afloat album is a gem, capturing that punk rock community feel down to a tee. Their singer Dan keeps looking to try and get the band over to Dublin to play a gig and … Continue reading Spoilers – interview
Knocking Shop – interview
Dublin based band the Knocking Shop are back playing sporadic gigs after 20 years. They had a place in an emerging independent scene in Dublin that wore guitars on heart. They have been described as a punk Leonard Cohen or the Fall wrestling with Go Betweens. They will be bringing their understated yet underestimated style … Continue reading Knocking Shop – interview
Steve Mack Interview. Stag, That Petrol Emotion and the US punk scene. This was a particularly exciting interview for me. That Petrol Emotion were one of the greatest live acts of all time, and their records captured their musicality, originality, fun, ambition, enthusiasm and ability to construct amazing unique songs. When I mentioned to one of the stalwarts of Ireland’s independent rock … Continue reading Steve Mack Interview. Stag, That Petrol Emotion and the US punk scene.
Relitics – Interview
Durham punk band Relitics came to my attention earlier this year with the song Anti Fascist. I like bands that proclaim their politics through their lyrics and Relitics are one of these. There's no fences to sit on with these. I sent singer Carol Nichol on a few questions and here's the results. 1. Can … Continue reading Relitics – Interview
Pete Holidai Interview
It is important for irish punk to be championed with all the other anniversaries this year. It is 40 years since the release of Ireland's first punk record, on chiswick records, tv tube heart, The radiators from space were our trailblazers back then. Chiswick imprint Ace records has just re-released that debut album so I … Continue reading Pete Holidai Interview
GRIT interview
Dublin Oi Punk DIY band Grit have been doing the rounds for over a year now. Their fast snappy tunes almost coming across like an Oi X Ray Spex at times have seen the light of day on vinyl a couple of times on Distro-y-records. They are a feature of the DIY scene throughout Ireland … Continue reading GRIT interview
Bear Trade Interview
Anybody who has followed this blog will know of my respect and admiration for uk band Bear Trade. Last week I described as "think Leatherface, the replacements and wedding present getting together to write some songs with northern sensibility" for Thursday Tunes. Or when I reviewed their excellent new album, Silent Unspeakable and described … Continue reading Bear Trade Interview