Rebellion 2024 Day 2

Here we go again. Day 2. The sun is still shining and the floors of the venue are getting sticky. Last night I kept feeling splashes on the parts of my legs my shorts weren’t covering as people dropped their not so empty plastic beer glasses to the floor. The floor absorbed most of it but by the time I was leaving Bar Stool Preachers my feet were beginning to stick to the floor.

Rebellion 2023 Day 1

Back on the ferry to travel up to Blackpool. Since last years fest a lot of water has flown under the bridge of life. I have less people in my world, have lost some loved ones and have been in a cycle of caring that has been beautifully exhausting. It’s been a struggle but we … Continue reading Rebellion 2023 Day 1

Hope Show 154 – the lowdown on 1979

So for Gabfest *6 myself and Michael have handpicked 10 songs from 1979 that inspired a further generation or 2 of musicians. We see punk evolving in different directions. Post punk, synth and raw guitars coming through in the UK whilst in the States there's a new menace appearing

Rebellion 2016 – Day 2

  Rebellion 2016 - day 2 Dublins I am a car crash provide the starting point today. Atmospheric rhythmic noise rock and sharing a drummer with paranoid visions which gets my head moving along nicely at this lunchtime. I had to cut them short to go and see slice of life who certainly aren't atmospheric … Continue reading Rebellion 2016 – Day 2