Heavy Seas
Everything breaks
Little Rocket Records
Jeff Dean is one prolific musician. He has been, or even still is, in bands like The Bomb, Airstream Futures, Dead Ending and Moral Mazes. Many of these and have received plays of the day from this writer. Some of these bands are already on the impressive Little Rocket roster so this is a fitting home for his latest venture. Recorded in the last 2 months of 2019 in a world of tours and sweat this release has been waiting a while, the band have been sitting on it waiting and biding their time. Finally it is about to see the light of day. A shared release across the continents and with different labels pushing the guitar sound.
For Heavy Seas the sound is akin to Swervedriver being played by Hardcore fans, guitars are hopping everywhere with heartfelt lyrics being sung. Right throughout it’s a wall of guitars crescending almost wave like around you.
I put my headphones on and listen to this straight through. it Feels like travelling through a tunnel surrounded by guitars with aural noises transmitting intermittently in your ear. I’m hearing nods to DC at times with Lungfish and Jawbreaker but under it all is the obvious need to stare straight down with the shoegaze noise of 90’s uk bands.

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