Rebellion 2024 Day 2

Here we go again. Day 2. The sun is still shining and the floors of the venue are getting sticky. Last night I kept feeling splashes on the parts of my legs my shorts weren’t covering as people dropped their not so empty plastic beer glasses to the floor. The floor absorbed most of it but by the time I was leaving Bar Stool Preachers my feet were beginning to stick to the floor.

Rebellion Festival 2022 Day 2

Newtown Neurotics back at rebellion with new record out on October 21 One of the vagaries of a festival this size is you miss way more than you can see. I tried yesterday to get as much in. Full on for the day but I can’t sustain that so today I’m a bit more choosy. … Continue reading Rebellion Festival 2022 Day 2

Rebellion 2018 – Day 3

Rebellion 2018 - day 3 So it’s just past noon and the first band of the day are murderburgers. The room is packed, we are all ready for the Scottish pop punk sound. Short snappy songs and a great start to the third day. The Gakk from Dundalk opened up the pavillion stage. Rebellion is … Continue reading Rebellion 2018 – Day 3

Rebellion 2018 – Day 2

Rebellion 2018 - day 2 After losing the battle against the seagulls during the night (do seagulls never sleep??) and an incident in the room next door to me involving a lot of screaming I still was ready to tackle this second day refreshed. Excited to see some bands that still bring back happy memories … Continue reading Rebellion 2018 – Day 2

Rebellion 2016 – Day 2

  Rebellion 2016 - day 2 Dublins I am a car crash provide the starting point today. Atmospheric rhythmic noise rock and sharing a drummer with paranoid visions which gets my head moving along nicely at this lunchtime. I had to cut them short to go and see slice of life who certainly aren't atmospheric … Continue reading Rebellion 2016 – Day 2

Rebellion 2015 – Day 3

Rebellion 2015 Day 3 I said it was a marathon and whilst Wonk Unit may have just arived in Blackpool this is the start of my third day. It's a great start for me though as I get to see a band I've been hearing and reading about for a couple of years and have … Continue reading Rebellion 2015 – Day 3

Steve Drewett – Jenga Society

Steve Drewett The Jenga Society Cruel Binary With a history of music between us, playing for Steve and listening for me, it is hard to be objective about this release. I wrote to Steve over three decades ago trying to get his band of the time over to Ireland to play some gigs. His band … Continue reading Steve Drewett – Jenga Society