This weeks Gigs Nov 20 – 26
I remember the Redskins “You’ve never had it so good. The favourite phrase of those who’ve always had it better”. That lyric has stuck with me so I will just say it’s a great time to be living in Dublin and interested in punk or alternative music. There’s something happening every week if you have the money/time/energy.
This week in the Button Factory we have Canadian Indie Rockers Wolf Parade and Russian Punk Troubadors, Pussy Riot over the space of three days.

In between we have the avant folk guitar blues of Richard Dawson. Enthusastic Eunoch put on so many interesting gigs and this night in Whelans with Katie Kim will be no different. Music afficionadoes will appreciate John Maus in the Grand Social. Sick and Indigent Song Club will be folking the night away in DC Music Club while the punk noise of First Wave, Septic Pussy and the turn will hit fibbers. While the place to be that night will be Whelans for the launch of Alien She‘s debut album and you cold always sleep there so you can be early for Bitch Falcon the following night. If you want to punk rock and roll on Saturday then mosie over to the Thomas House for Hooligan and Blue carpet band
Wolf Parade – Button Factory, November 20
Tops – Whelans, November 21
Shaker Hymn, Joey Gavin – Grand Social, November 22
Richard Dawson, Katie Kim – Whelans, November 22
Tom Walker – Academy, November 22
Pussy Riot, Pillow Queens – Button Factory, November 23
Jessy Lanza – DBD Venue, November 23
John Maus – Grand Social, November 24
Stunt Lover – The Underground, November 24
The Sick and Indigent Song Club at vaudeville dublin club – DC Music Club, November 24
First Wave, Septic Pussy, The Turn – Fibbers, November 24
Alien She ‘Feeler’ LP Launch with Phlaccid + Girlfriend – Drop Dead Twice, November 24
Rusango Family – Button Factory, November 24
PumaRosa – Workmans Club, November 25
Bitch Falcon – Whelans, November 25
BODIES – SOAK EP Launch – Whelans, November 25
Blue Carpet Band, Hooligan – Thomas House, November 25
Orchid Collective – Workmans Club, November 25
Full list of upcoming gigs this week and beyond here