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Dunstan Bruce has cancelled but all systems go for this night.  Joe Solo, Cassandra Fox, Sarah from Pillow Queens, Leigh from Sissy, Bitzy from Lee Harveys/Stougers, Filmmaker Chiera Vialle, Actor Cilléin McEvoy all lined up

Update – May 8 Line Up is as follows

7.30-8.15. Kitty Kav From the Boy Scouts and Berniie NiFhurlinge from Golden Horde talk About punk in 1970s Dublin, dandelion market and people’s migration to London. Panel hosted by journalist, punk and activist Michael McCaughan

8.15-9 Sarah from pillow queens and Leigh from sissy join the conversation to talk about music today and what influenced them to take up instruments. Panel hosted by Roisin Dwyer from Hot Press

9.0-9.30 Chiara vialle and cillein McEvoy talk about their new music film which sees a young guy with Parkinson’s join a punk band.

9.30-10.15 Cassie Fox talks about loud women and Joe Soloj about We Shall Overcome.
Panels hosted by Niall McGuirk

10.15 -11 joe solo plays a set

Tickets available here
May 8 2018
Liberty Hall
Is music a vehicle for change?

So the Hope Collective are back with our involvement in MayFest. We’ve doubled up this year and our event asks “is music as a vehicle for change” and we have are working with We Shall Overcome.

We are bringing Joe Solo over from the UK. Joe is one of the main agitators behind We Shall Overcome. Joe is an award-winning musician, writer, poet, activist, broadcaster and washing machine engineer from Scarborough. Live he has an ever growing reputation as both a performer and raconteur, being thought-provoking, comical and punch-the-air political often in the same breath. His first visit to Ireland was in 1996 as a member of UK pop punk band Lithium Joe.

Joe will play a few tunes but the night will be panels talking about punk in dublin and elsewhere and whether music can be a vehicle for change.

Cassie Fox founded LOUD WOMENas a response to wanting to play gigs where her band weren’t the only women in the green room, and weren’t automatically put bottom of the bill because ‘women play more gently than men’. Formerly of The Wimmins’ Institute, Cassie also plays in Thee Faction, GUTTFULL and (new for 2017) Doris.

Sarah Corcoran swaps guitar, bass and lead vocal duties in Pillow Queens. Having first come together in Autumn of 2016 on a basketball court in a Dublin city park, the four members of Pillow Queens, soon realised that making music together would be an equally productive group activity. They released their second EP, State of the State, earlier this year UK DIY label Specialist Subject.

Chiara Viale is a writer and filmmaker living in Dublin. Her latest project is the The New Music Film about a pianist struggling with Parkinson Disease & a punk band who help him live again through love music.

Cilléin Mc Evoy is an actor and a punk

Clear The Air – short film (2018) from Cilléin Mc Evoy on Vimeo.

Leigh Arthur is guitarist in Dublin punk band Sissy

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