Rats on Rafts + M(h)aol
September 28

It’s kind of strange living a private life publicly at times. I was never one for putting my picture on things and always refer to things I’m involved in as a collective we even if that numbers just me.
It’s also kind of strange that after gong to gigs for over 30 years I end up standing on my own at many offerings. And i’m happy with that, happy to talk or not. I guess I’m used to my own company even though as a family man with a great partner and three wonderful kids that solitary existence is rare, bar when I go to gigs.
It’s getting greater now as I become more age conscious as years go by. The youthful exuberance has given way to self doubt and contemplation. And so I can get lost when m(h)aol play. They don’t care what I think or anyone else by the sound of it on stage. It is a chaotic cathartic noise and is deadly. We can get lost together in a brashness that reminds me of bikini kill with a sound less rooted in melody but more annoyance.
Rats on rafts, like me say nothing between songs. I guess they don’t have to. Their sound brings them everywhere with a psycadehlic pop beginning to a hardcore no age ending. This was a great noise to get your toe tapping. Of course I would like some between song banter but the band are from Rotterdam, maybe their English isn’t so good. Maybe the music does the talking, I couldn’t understand a work being sung but it was some noise alright