Wow, How do you write about gigs not happening while people are staying at home and not mixing with others for fear of spreading an infectious virus that has the potential to cause serious damage to someone we love. As each day brings something new and the pressure ramps up it was heartening to see the humanity as they closed down their businesses temporarily in the interests of public health and safety. This meant that venues closed their doors last week as Government issued a decree that indoor gathering of over 100 people were dangerous. That will reduce in number and people are now helping out in their community and helping others by staying at home. We will get through this but we have to look after each other. Gigs / entertainment may mean a lot to us but they are secondary amidst all this
I’ve been in the middle of a lot of it this week with work as stats and projections fly. What we need to do is take care of each other and bizarre as it sounds keep washing your hands.
In the meantime we have more time at home to connect with our family (that’s if we have somewhere we can call home and if we have people in the house with us). We will have time to read, to talk and see what type of future we want. In the meantime here’s some tunes. No explanations this week – just some good music.