tv smith acoustic room at rebellion 2014

Jello at rebellion

Rebellion 2014 day 3

There’s just so much to get through at this festival even as I arrive today

For instance Hannah rickard and the relatives playing their doo wop rockabilly or Louise Distras discussing here career to date

The literary stage had a great lineup his afternoon. The clashes first drummer Tory crimes (better known I suppose for his real name as terry chimes) was to regale us with some stories and got stuck in traffic (maybe he drove up with Patrik Fitzgerald) . No matter where you turn in this beautiful old building the clash are never far away, be that in spirit or on posters!!! Before terry came was due on mark perry from atv and, more importantly sniffin glue fanzine, spoke to rhoda dakar about punk scene in early days and had a great style of chat.

It’s great to hear stories of fanzines and photocopied montages. Mark didn’t really want to write but e wanted to be involved. As bear trade still sing “Let’s get involved”

Terry was still in the “traffic jam” so jello Biafra gave us tales of occupy and some straight talk. I mosied off to see vice squad playing to a decent crowd at the empress. Always enjoyed these punk tunes with that slight metal edge.

Loaded 44 aren’t too disimilar, less metal but still rocky female fronted punk rock.

The argies are, as their name suggests, from Argentina. Spirited fast punks oi sound. Great tight powerful set

Hard skin are another rebellion institution where we stand back and get absurd and laugh and sing along. They are serious when speaking about being anti fascist but all else is a wonderful story of sing along punk rock I love hard skin and shout along to beat the band

The requiem of the acoustic room is next somewhere to sit and enjoy proceedings. But it doesn’t stay peaceful for long as goldblade bash cardboard boxes and acoustic guitars for their set. There is no barrier between band and audience as brother john invites us all up on stage. If things don’t work they can be improvised. We were host to a legion Of camera phones as lead singer john Robb led us around the winter gardens singing at the top of our voices. Pure punk rock

The cravats were in in the pavilion so I had a listen to their quirky full sound for a few songs. Tight and off the wall

Ruts dc are incredible. No need to say more, words don’t do them justice. I love them. The standing ovation of a completely packed out acoustic room is a sign of the respect the ruts dC peers have for them. As I said, incredible

Tv smith sums it all up during his set “the rich don’t have even 1%of the community we have here” the audience is eating out of his hand. A big night for the acoustic room
He plays for 90 minutes and finishes with guests coming on stage for three adverts songs. A privilege to be in their presence. The second standing ovation of the night too

Paranoid visions are another institution at rebellion. This is the best live set I’ve seen them play here. Songs Full of anger, they have released an album with Steve ignorant sharing vocal duties. It’s hard for the anger to still rise to the surface after all this time but the visions pull it off

And so I troop off to bed, knowing I leave sets by jaya the cat, killing joke, spizz energi and king kurt behind. It’s after midnight, I’ve been here 12 hours is that not enough?

Niall hope

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