It’s all about Peter McVerry Trust this week
Nurse Diesel features three members of 90s rock dopes Pet Lamb
When bastard cancer took Grant Hart last September we were, still are, shocked to lose a hero of ours so young.
As massive Husker Du fans we were thinking about his contribution to the Du and beyond.
Grant’s songs are simple, raw, direct. They’re unashamedly emotional and melodic and full of potent rock’n’roll joy and abandon.
Lots of them have female protagonists; lots have the spitting anger of the aggrieved lover; many are non-allegorical stories about drug damage.
He was an amazing punk soul singer. And a gifted visual artist who designed all the great Husker Du album artwork.
And he played the drums savage.
We love him and want to pay homage to his memory by slaughtering 15 or so of his songs on Saturday the 23rd.
Please join us if you can.
And join us also in raising money for the Peter McVerry Trust and saying fuck you to the cruel neoliberal values which have made this housing crisis we have so deep and shameful.
This is a definite contender for second best Christmas gig of the year, with a lineup including members of The Ambience Affair, At Last An Atlas, Bouts and Swimmers.
And it’s for an extremely good cause. The Peter McVerry Trust is a charity set up by Fr Peter McVerry whose aim is to reduce homelessness and the harm caused by drug misuse and social disadvantage. You can find more information on their work at
Niall says:
Please join me at The Vintage Room – Sat 23rd December to raise as much as we possibly can between 8PM- 1030PM for The Peter McVerry Trust.
Doors are at 2000PM
Line up is;
20:30pm James J. Clarke (ex-Ambience Affair, Divan)
21:00pm The May Alter (ex- At Last An Atlas, The Hollows)
21:30pm Ivan Nicolas
22:00pm Swimmers Jackson (Swimmers, Bouts)
The gig has a strict 10:30pm curfew and comes with the following warning: May contain some Christmas music.
There’s a suggested minimum donation of £5, but in the spirit of the evening Niall says “no-one will be turned away.”
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