Hope Show 138 is available here
The playlist
- Spoilers – Punks Don’t Die
- Visions Of Change – Visions Of Change
- Maid Of Ace – Minimum Wage
- Perspex Fletch – Much Kisses
- Los Crudos – Crudo Soy
- The Striped Bananas – The Jungle
- Werecats – Builder
- GGAllan Partridge – I Feel Lobe
- Deutsche Ashram – slow blow
- The Pop Group – Where There’s a Will There’s a Way
- football etc – eleven
- el Morgan – Decorations
- Antillectual – Every Crisis is a moral crisis
- Bouts – Sounds Like Theft
- Hooligan – Gang War
- Gloo – Say Yes
- No Age – Neck Escaper
- Flanders 72 – Punk Rock Club
The Breakdown
I’m kicking off tonight’s show with Spoilers and Punks Don’t Die – AS the virus spreads slowly across the world we will start to loos people we know and for some it will people close to them. Their memories will live on forever in our hearts. We hope we get a handle on all this – Remember Punks Don’t DIe
I saw Visions of Change when they played with the Rhythm Pigs in the George Robey in London a long time ago. They were the first punk band in my circle to have keyboards as part of their sound and not trying to be avant garde with it. I loved it then and still do now
Maid Of Ace are a4 piece punk band from England They have released a few records and this is from their Maid In England record. Raise the minimum wage. For sure.
Perspex Fletch are from Leeds and are on the excellent Static SHock Records which has a great selection if you’re interested
Los Crudos played Dublin and blew the roof off the Attic, incredible powerful hardcore
The Striped bananas are new to me. Kind of quirky pop I Ludicrous without the humour maybe?
The werecats debut album which came out last year was a real blast of fresh air. Loads of tunes and good songs. Search it out
GG Allin was an awful man. He gained some notorierty in the punk scene for his antics on stage. GGAllan Partridge are more my style. Irreverent and relevant
I seem to play some work by Ajay Sagaar most weeks. Deutsche Ashram is his work with Merinde Verbeek. This is from their 2016 album Deeper and Deeper. They finished a UK tour promoting their new album, Whisper OM before all this madness kicked in. It’s a nice hypnotic cocteau twin ish groove. i used to swap tapes with Ajay back in the 80’s and Deutsche Ashram is like a collection of one of his tapes, plenty of dub and psychadelia but always a bit of a bass line to suck you in.
The Pop Group up next. Groundbreaking band. Here is Where There’s a will there’s a way
Speaking of pop football etc have some nice songs – indie pop shoegazing or whatever you want to call it. I call it nice
One really positive thing about most people being stuck at home is the amount of streaming gigs there is. Whether that’s the brilliant isolation fest that was on yesterday (Sat April 11) or the weekly Specialist Subject shows – there;s tons of them. People are trying to stay sane and listeners are having a world opened to the. I saw El Morgan the other night and found the dark folk songs very appealing. Check them out.
Antillectual feature on the soundtrack for the New Music Film which premiered earlier this year. Cinemas being closed hasn’t helped this movies journey but the soundtrack and story is excellent
Bouts are from Dublin, this is from their 2018 album Flow
Hooligan are also from Dublin. They got Christy Dignam from Aslan to sing on their version of Northern Irish Punk band the Outcasts, callsi Just Another Teenage Rebel. It came out on Reekus Records a couple of years ago and is well worth remembering. This is from that ep – Gang War, one that shouldn’t be overlooked
Gloo are from SOuthampton. This is from the album they released late last year called Pathetic Youth.
In an effort to keep this show global I am moving to Australia and Germany for the last 2 tracks. No Age have recorded some incredible music from their Australian base.
Flanders 72 are from Germany and this song sums up this show. This is a Punk Rock Club – stay safe and sane and take care of each other
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