This weeks Hope Show is available to listen to here

  1. Joe Solo – The Revolution Will Come
  2. Antidoto – Perderor
  3. Bear Away – East Caost
  4. The Radiators – Kitty Rickets
  5. Soft On Crime – Rubyanne
  6. Toodles and the hectic pity – Sugar Loaf
  7. The Armed – A Life so Wonderful
  8. We Were promised Jetpacks – When I Know More
  9. The Menstrual Cramps – Cull The Tories
  10. Youth Avoiders – Grit Your Teeth
  11. SHort Days – Children of Boredom
  12. Fresh – Revenge
  13. The Nilz – Robotic
  14. Vice Squad – Everybody’s in a band nowadays
  15. Mackie – New Age
  16. Spoilers – There, Well Whereabouts
  17. Antibodies – Let’s Get Serious ABout Punk Rock
  18. ToeRag – Age of School
  19. Hard Left – Strike For America

Tonights show celebrates International Workers Day or Mayday as it has become better known in recent times. What better way to start than Joe Solo proclainming that the Revolution WIll Come. Joe is one of the most prolific waching machine engineers around. He brings out an album every year and is an inspiration with all the work he does for We Shall Overcome. His latest collection is “A Northern SOul”

Antidoto as from Spain – pissed off punk rock Excellent

Bear Away have a lovely melodic haings onound. They’ve released a few things on Engineer Records, this is from a &” last year.

I finally got around to buying Ghostown during the week. This is the re-relased Radiators album which is now a double cd complete with bonus tracks. I also got the 10″ of TV Tube Heart which was their debut album. Great nostalgi from punk rock in Dublin.

Moving forward 4 decades but staying in Dublin, Soft On Crime released a 7″ recently. I played a song off this a while back, you’ve always made up your mind and I’ve been singing it in my head ever since. Rubyanne is a slightly different take on their pschadelic post pop punk

Toodles and the hectic pity have a cool 4 tracks of pop punk released called Ghosts Guilt and Grandparents. This is from that

The Armed have a new album pout now and some details of dates too. I hope the tour works out as I look forward to hearing such a raoucous noise on stage soon

We Were promised Jetpacks are labelmates of the Winter Passing on BSM records (oh and Laura Jane Grace too). Thyeve been around for 17 years and are pretty new to me. This is from theire More I sleep the less I dream album which the Scotish rockers released in 2018

The Menstruakl Cramps are favourites here in Hope Flats. We saw them live at Rebeiion and it brought 50 year old me back to my teenage years, when music challenged and excited me. This is from a cool Punks against Sweatshops comp I picked up on bandcamp recently.

Moving to France for the next 2 songs – Youth Avoiders from Paris released their Relentless albuym in 2018 and Short Days with Children of Boredowm which is on a cool comp I got this week, On march encore sous la pluie

Fresh released a new record this week and while I wait for it I’ve decided to sdig out an oldie from them, Revenge

Advance Records are selling a lot of interesting stuff these days, nostly printed by Rotator Vinyl. There’s a cool series of compilations doing the rounds as benefits for venues in an attempt to get some funds flowing into places that have been starved. I’ve picked 2 songs from Locked in the dressing room, The Nilz from Ireland and an old staple – Vice Squad from the UK nwho are as prolific now as they were 4 decades out when starting.

Another great band from that era 40 years ago were Blitz. Mackie who was in that band has just appeared on a compilation 7″ with a version of a Blitz song New Age. it’s a split release between Generation records and Brassneck and has 4 great songs. Hopefully I will play the other two next week. For now it’s Mackie and Spoilers

Antibodies from Prince Edward Island in Canada appeared on a Drunken Sailor complast year. Their album Let’s Get Serious ABout Punk Rock was released in Feb 2019

ToeRag are from Nepal. They have just released a great collection of hardcore tunes, Tarika. Age of school is from that

Hard Left are a bunch of American Comrades who sing hard hitting street punk rock with a socialist viewpoint. What better way to finish our MayDay programme

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