I couldn’t wait any longer so have resurrected The Hope Show

Listen Here Hope Show 162

“This voice is all we have”

Pardon Us – Still singing
  1. Circle Jerks – Live Fast Die Young
  2. Negative Approach – Ready to Fight
  3. 7 Seconds – Young Til I Die
  4. Moonraker – Mouth Full of Rust
  5. Among Legends – Five Years
  6. Bobby Lees – Hollywood Junkie
  7. Hot Water Music – Killing Time
  8. Pardon US – Still needs Singing
  9. Parker – Never Miss
  10. The Last Mile – Dedicated To
  11. Chimers – silver
  12. Cathedral Ceilings – Every Summer’s Eve
  13. The Lee Harveys – Generation Kill
  14. Big Boy Foolish – Sycophant’s Dance
  15. Sons of Southern Ulster – They say I live in the past
  16. The Chisel – Retaliation
  17. Grit – Blind Spot

I was in the US recently and every where i looked it seemed like the 7 Seconds, Circle jerks and Negative Approach tour was nearby but nor near enough for me. Pictures exist all over social media of people who may be aged in years but certainly still feel in their youth. This may have been a tour for them but hopefully some new breed went along too.

I’m loving these two new records. Moonrakers Mouth Full of Rust brings some echo’s of NoFX but Canada’s Among Legends are a band that i just gravitate towards. Punk rock is their community and they want to sing about. They did a small Canadian tour recently that copperfastened their belief in their community. Even their album title Take Good Care is a nod to us all to look after each other. Hopefully we see some more of these types of tours over the next while as we awaken from our covid slumber.

The Bobby Lees played an incredible set in Dublin recently as part of a UK and Irish tour. The energy one band can exude live has to be seen to be believed. Hot Water Music have been around for all this 21st Century and released their 8th album, Feel The Void, recently. Killing Time is off that record. At times the album drifts closer to rock than punk but there’s still some gems like this in there.

I haven’t done this show in a while and Pardon Us Still Needs Singin reminds me why I keep going back to it. Hopefully on a more regular basis now

Parker, the last mile and chimers are playing in Dublin on Friday Sept 23 as part of the We Shall Overcome Festival. Hope is putting on the show so as our first publicity stunt here’s a song from three of the confirmed bands – Parker, from Derry, The Last Mile from Montreal and Chimers from Brisbane/Kilkenny

I stumbled across Cathedral Ceiling recently. I saw a review in new Noise Magazine so I searched out their Summer of Misguided Dynamite album. Fairly apt for now considering all the forest fires and how the world is burning. I’m sure that’s not what Summer’s Eve is about but maybe it should. The band are from New Jersey and this is from their debut lp.

The Lee Harveys seem to be playing Dublin every second or thrid week. They have a gig soon as a warm up for their upcoming trip to Blackpool for the annual Rebellion festival. One of Dublin’s hard working and most creative bands.

Speaking of local gigs Cork band Big Boy Foolish are playing with Cavan legends Sons Of Southern Ulster. Proving that it’s not just concrete that comes from that county Sons of Southern Ulster have that post punk acerbic spoken vocals down to a tee. Their Sinners and Lost Souls album has just seen it’s release on vinyl so if you’re that way inclined check it out.

The Chisel record is one of those sing along storming punk rock records you can’t help but like. They remind me of Irelands, Grit so i’ve decided to finish with both of them together.

Thanks for checking back in – enjoy the show and keep on creating

CircleJerks #NegativeApproach #7Seconds #Moonraker #AmongLegends #BobbyLees #HotWaterMusic #PardonUS #Parker #TheLastMile #Chimers #CathedralCeilings #TheLeeHarveys #BigBoyFoolish #SonsofSouthernUlster #TheChisel #Grit

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