1. THe Blades – Last Man IN Europe
2. Bangers – Blind Hindsight
3. NoFX – US Aholes
4. The Great St Louis – DOnt ASk
5. The Jam – Down IN the Tube Station
7. Fury – Resurrection
8. Rudimentary Peni – The Rain
9. HDQ – Sometimes
10. Jawbreaker – Friendly Fire
11. Hunx and His Punx – Rat Bag
12. Revenge of the Psychotronic Man – red Top Bullshit
13. The Ruts – Something That I Said
14. Neurotics – Take Strike Action
15. TV Smith & The Bored Teenagers – Bored Teenagers
16. TV Smith – Not IN My Name
17. Ghost Mice – England
18. Captain Chaos – Up The Punks
19. The Flatliners – Bad News
20. Vic Chestnutt – You are never Alone
My friend Ramor is partial to some mod music, he reminded me last week I have neglected this genre on the show. I thought playing Southport would have him enough soul in recent weeks but that hasn’t been the case. I read during the week that the Blades may be reforming. I suppose they all got together at the Phil Chevron gig and decided to do it while they can, and good on them too.I love the last man in europe. That soaring riff, infectious chorus and slight Pretty Vacant guitar intro. brilliant
Bangers came to my notice courtesy of No Idea records and fit in with the theme of singalongs, as do NOFX. Maybe not mod but still sharp eh Ramor
The great St Louis have those soaring songs too, intelligent songs I call them
And to finish off this set I had to dig out the Jam, some great songs, still sounding great
I played Bl’ast last week and loved every second of it. The remixed new record is a blast, go get it. Jade Tree records re-released some stuff by Fury a couple of years ago. This is resurrection from it
Rudimentary Peni are not hardcore in a musical sense but from a way of running your band they are hardcore, Speaking of bands reforming (which I was at the start, keep up) HDQ have been doing gigs on and off and have a new record coming out. This is from Soulfinder on Boss Tuneage . When HDQ played Dublin in the 80’s we were amazed that a band from the UK could sound like a band form the US, and boy could they jump
I end my hardcore set with Jawbreaker from the US. Tuneful in a way BL’ast never were but they always packed a friendly fire to their sound.
Hunx and his Punx blast out obnoxious punk and i’m liking the new record more each day. Whether they live in a rat bag or not doesn’t matter, it’s a reflection on the world.
Red Top Bullshit may not be an obnoxious song and Revenge Of the Psychotronic man are not poster boys for gay punk rock but it fits in here somehow as The Ruts bounce us in to Something That I Said. I wrote about the ruts in my first fanzine in 1984 – I’m still listening to them just as much. Another band from just a bit later that I still return to are the Newtown Neurotics . I had the pleasure of seeing them a couple of times in recent years and that is why I would urge the Blades to reform while they can. If the songs are good they stand the test of time and if you’re doing it for the right reasons (music rather than money) then go for it. I picked this neurotics song as there has been so much talk around the centenary of the lockout from those in power n a country that still hasn’t legislated for Collective Bargaining
This may not be No Time to be 21, or it certainly wasn’t when Tim wrote this song in 77. Boss Tuneage released this record of the Bored Teenagers performing the first Adverts album with TV Smith on vocals. If you’ve none of Tims records, I’m asking you person to person, right now to get one. Not In My Name was written about the war on Iraq, it’s as relevant as ever now in these ever so dangerous times of nation building.
Ghost Mice and Plan-it-x records are great. Ghost Mice are so interesting. They brought out a cd about their European tour and have a song about each country. It’s a personal zine set to music. Youeven get bonus pictures on the cd and a load of songs from their tour. One extra song is “Up The Punks” “Punk rock music save my life” – brilliant “That’s why I sing and ask you the sing with me – Up the punks, up the punks”.
The Flatliners have a new album out this week . I haven’t got it yet so you have to make do with a song from their last excellent record.
No doubt you’ve been singing along to everything through the show so I am finishing on a note to let you all know that when you come down from all this dancing, You are still not alone, never feel that way or let it envelope your life. Live this life as best you can and stay true
Thanks for listening
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