Dec 2 1990

Therapy?, Shred, Pig Ignorance


Benefit for Irish M.E. Association

I still felt ill and was seriously lacking in energy. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome had given way to a new diagnosis – M.E. If I took even any small exercise I suffered severe muscle pain. My parents bought me a typewriter and I got to work on doing a new fanzine (SKETCH). I spent the little bit of energy I had on writing letters. Valerie, Miriam and the Bearded Lady agreed to help organise these benefits.

We arranged the bands between us and got Paddy to do up a poster. The best way to
publicize the gigs was to do a newsletter to inform people. Hence REACT was born. It started out as 500 2- sided photocopied A4 pages, and cost me£20. It proved a good
way of getting the word out. I put it in record shops/ book shops and cafes as well as giving it out at gigs I wrote REACT solely so I could pass on to other folk some  bands I thought were good.

I had heard a lot of good music from bands that weren’t getting exposure anywhere. REACT gave me a chance to write some brief stuff about a  band and people could take it or leave it after that. It also allowed Hope a chance to advertise our gigs. REACT became monthly and spread to 5,000 printed copies. It  fizzled out after 3 years. It became a chore. I was investing a lot of energy into it and it had advanced from my original intentions. People were taking things too  personally. They wanted their band to be reviewed (favourably). They wanted their gig to be mentioned. My feeling on it was if they felt strongly about it they should  do one themselves. So I stopped doing it. REACT.

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